
Federal Govt Plans 5000 CNG-powered Tricycles In Initial Phase

The federal government, through the Presidential CNG Initiative (Pi-CNG), has said it will soon roll out 5,000 tricycles powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in the initial phase. 

The Pi-CNG, collaborating with TGIS and Luoyang Northern Enterprises (Luojia), disclosed that the company will see to the assembling of tricycles from scratch to a completed product, all within the recently revealed facility in Shagamu, Ogun State adding that the facility can produce over 120 tricycles powered by CNG each day and can assemble up to 30,000 tricycles in a year. 

Speaking at the unveiling of the tricycle fleet and warehouse, programme director and chief executive (PI-CNG), Engr. Michael Oluwagbemi said this is one of the most important events in his itinerary for the past four weeks, which is the nationwide launch of the CNG rollout at the presidential CNG initiative. 

According to him, “The President is focused on gas-powered transport, and has released a series of incentives, and the tricycles you are seeing here today come into Nigeria VAT-free and with customs duty exemption. These tricycles will be fueled with gas that is provided as concessionary pricing through the work of NMPDRA and his team, providing more than a 40 percent discount on top of the already existing discount on gas. 

“So, the president is determined, and the PCNGI is working with him. Is determined, Nigeria is determined. We will change this country. We will stop our dependence on dirty fuel. We will focus on using our gas to power this country to power jobs and to power the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as we move on to a future that is brighter, better, and more reliable for all Nigerians.”

 In his remarks, MD/CEO TGIS LOUIJA, Damilola Agboola, said Luiger, the Luoyang Northern Enterprise Company, is in the country  to provide Nigeria with a paradigm shift in the nation’s quest for sustainable energy in her transportation sector.


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