
DG NILEST Proffers Solution For Rapid National Industrialisation

Director General and Chief Executive of Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) Zaria, Prof. M.K. Yakubu, has urged stakeholders, researchers, industrialists, investors, government ministries and all other agencies located in Zaria to form a concrete relationship and collaboration which will lead to rapid industrialisation of the Zazzau Emirate, Kaduna State and Nigeria in general.

In his speech at the closing ceremony of the maiden edition of the Zazzau National Education Trade and Investment Summit (ZANETIS) yesterday in Zaria, he said the summit was conceived with the objective to showcase investment opportunities in agriculture and agro-allied activities to foster collaboration with leather research institutions for standard shoe manufacturing and promote leather goods.
He said the summit would also provide opportunity for cross fertilisation of ideas for nurturing of new business ventures and industries.

He added; “Gone are the days when certificates alone sufficed to bring food to the table. This summit pioneered the clarion call that our youths must embrace innovation, sharpen their imagination and be ready to compete with the rest of the world. Who owns our most commercially active cities at the moment? Certainly, it is not the class with the highest academic accolades. One of the intentions of this summit is to match academics with skills, research with marketability and hard work with impactability.”

The Emir of Zazzau, Dr Ahmed Nuhu BamalI who was represented by the district head of Gubuchi, Alhaji Dr. Bello Lawal, promised to accord the summit all the necessary corporations that would lead to the actualization of the industrialization dream.

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