
NNPP Ex-VP Candidate Commends Kwankwaso’s Bond With Kano Masses


Former vice presidential candidate of New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP), Bishop Isaac Idahosa, has commended the party’s presidential candidate in 2023, Sen. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, for building a connection with the masses of Kano State.

He stated this while lauding Kwankwaso for organising what he called a spectacular commemorative durbar festival to commemorate this year’s Eid Kabir Muslim festival.

Idahosa, in a statement , also lauded the former Kano State governor for connecting effectively with the grassroots, saying such acts are the hallmark of good leadership.

The chieftain of NNPP who is an ally of the former governor said, he has been witnessing Kwankwassiyya durbar for time now in the ancient city to celebrate and felicitate with his boss and the people of the state.




Commenting on what he saw, he urged leaders across the country to emulate Sen. Kwankwaso, saying “it is only when they (leaders) connect with the people that they (the leaders) will appreciate their (the masses) problems and how to solve them).”




According to the Bishop, “What I have seen today is a practical demonstration of the connection that exists between our leader, Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso and the people of the state. This was well demonstrated with the huge number of people that came to the venue.




“Unlike some other leaders who would prefer to celebrate the festival with members of their immediate family, Senator Kwankwaso chose to be with his people who trooped out in large numbers to be with him. This is so commendable because it was an opportunity for a leader to bond with his people and this is something that is rather uncommon in this parts of the world.




“I will term it national and an international event because most of the various entertaining ethnic nationalities in the country were present with their drums and dancers.




“I am using this opportunity to urge leaders across the country to emulate this gesture,” he concluded.



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