
Women Farmers Pulls Out Of AFAN Over Non-inclusion


The Nigeria Women for Agricultural Progressive and Development Initiative (NWAPDI) has officially announced its withdrawal from the All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN), citing poor inclusion of women and persistent leadership tussle within the association.

At a briefing yesterday in Abuja, the national coordinator and president of NWAPDI, Omolara Svensson said that the decision to dissociate from the apex farmers association was not made lightly.

Svensson highlighted the lack of meaningful inclusion and recognition of women within AFAN, which undermines the core objectives and progress NWAPDI strives to achieve.

NWAPDI was established as Nigeria’s first organisation exclusively for women in the agricultural sector, covering production, processing, trade, and commerce. Unlike AFAN, NWAPDI is dedicated to empowering and supporting women in agriculture across Nigeria, ensuring they have a significant and influential role in shaping the agricultural landscape.

Svensson also pointed out that the continuous leadership disputes within AFAN have created an unstable and counterproductive environment which further hindered effective collaboration and progress.

She added that the instability has made it increasingly challenging for NWAPDI to fulfil its mandate under such circumstances.

They now seek to independently advocate for the interests of women farmers and drive meaningful change.

Moving forward, she said that NWAPDI would continue its work to support and uplift women in agriculture through various programmes, initiatives, and advocacy efforts, and aim to create a robust and inclusive agricultural sector in Nigeria.

Svensson also expressed gratitude for the support and understanding as NWAPDI embarks on this new chapter, while reaffirming the group’s dedication to empowering women in agriculture and contributing to the sustainable development of Nigeria’s agricultural industry.

“Despite our numerous efforts to resolve these complicated issues during my tenure as head of women in agriculture for the Oyo State AFAN chapter, we have found it necessary to redirect our energy and resources to NWAPDI.

As of today, NWAPDI stands as the only registered and authorised women-only agricultural initiative in Nigeria, this position underscores our commitment to creating a focused, inclusive, and progressive platform for women in agriculture,” Svensson stated.



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