
I Was Bedridden For 7 Months – Sen Hangar

Senator representing Kano Central Senatorial Zone, Rufai Hanga, has revealed that he was bedridden for seven months over a spinal cord ailment which explained his silence in the Senate so far.

The senator said he spent some time in Egypt and about three months in the United Kingdom.

Addressing a press conference in Kano State yesterday, on his recovery, he listed some constituency projects he was able to get in the budget for his people despite his health challenges during the period.

“I have gone through some difficult times having been sick for some months, but thank God Almighty I am now better.

“During the period I was in Egypt for some time and later on I spent three months in a hospital in London.

“I had a problem with my spinal cord but have now recovered and am getting stronger, and will fulfill my promises to my constituency,” he said.


Hanga dismissed rumour that he bought pots used for burials at cemeteries and white cloths used in dressing dead bodies as a constituency project.


He called on the media to differentiate between personal things he does as a politician for humanitarian purposes and things he does as constituency projects which are placed in the budget and implemented.


He said some of the projects he was able to get into the budget include a Center for Women Skills Development that will cost N400 million, road construction from Garin Babba to Zaria road, purchase of watering machines for farmers, provision of fertiliser and the construction of Minjibir to Ngoggo feeder road among others.


He said that all these are part of the budget and are going to be implemented.


Hanga also commissioned a constituency office where he has placed constituency staff that will ease out reach to him by members of the constituency he is representing.


“Whosoever has anything he sees as required by their communities can come over to the constituency office and file the request through the officers and it will reach me.


“This will ease access to me especially when I might be busy at the Assembly in Abuja,” he explained.

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